Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The search for truth

I have spent a long long time on the internet browsing for questions to my spiritual state.  Youtube to be exact.  I view the internet to be something similar to the human brain in a sense.  You search for answers and It provides. Asking yourself questions if very beneficial, give it a try, ask something deep but not obvious.  How many people ask "why me" or "what did I do wrong?" were asking the right questions but were not willing to see the answers. The answers are scary, that answer is guarded by fears and unseen by a state of mind governed by settling.  There is no difference from Intention and Action, they are two parts of the same thing.  You cannot intend for something to happen if you are not taking the action, action is not big or small, action is natural and can't be forced.

Back to youtube, its a great way of finding information and advice, but there comes a time in someone's life when they realize they've stopped relying on their own brain for "pure Intelligence".  Only you have the answers, you just need to ask the right questions and imagine the right scenarios that fit your true reality. But you must be descriptive. after you give your wishes, allow yourself complete presence and acceptance. you'l soon see what I mean as your "reality" "manifests" something "coincidentally" similar to what you were looking for.

For Example, and this was based off of real experience.  I was walking along a desert lake shore imagining the possibility of finding a snake and the excitement of holding it and so forth in detail.  I wasn't as descriptive as I planned because in the next few minutes I lifted up a rock and found a sleeping rattle snake "If only it was non venomous I would reach out and pick it up and show my friends" I thought to myself. Its all about knowing what it is you truly want.  If manifesting weren't that way we might create insanity in physical form, which if you were god looking down at his creation he might have a laugh at his creation acting purely through disfunction.  Throughout your day practice "Word Meditation" practice saying words or phrases that fit your reality.

Examples: Focus, Here and Now, Stay Awake.  OR.!  You are Perfect no matter what. OR.! Every moment is Perfect in its own placement.

The key is to be persistant, repeat repeat repeat these phrases or create your own. write out paragraphs.  The point is to redirect your awareness so that your awareness isn't let alone.  Befriend everyone, befriend your ego, love everyone and most importantly forgive yourself for everything you've ever done.  You are beautiful, you are loved and you Are.  Let go of yourself as you might perceive yourself, that image doesn't belong to you and you've been trying to tell yourself from the beginning but you won't listen to your self.  Face the facts of your stubborn ways to Resist change. Ask yourself the question that is Identical to change, "would you rather eat dinner first and then desert last? or desert first and not think about dinner"? who makes the decisions?

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